Επιστήμες του Περιβάλλοντος της Υγείας και της Αγωγής: Εκπαίδευση για την Αειφορία

Time flies! Register until September 20th, 2024!


Environmental Health and Education Sciences: Education for Sustainability

One Health
Study Abroad Program

Ioannina, Greece

Dear postgraduate students,

We are pleased to implement the Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program (IPP) in collaboration with GMU and FU universities, titled “Environmental Health and Education Sciences: Education for Sustainability.”

A multitude of professors and distinguished researchers from three Departments of the University of Ioannina, the Department of Early Childhood Education, the Department of Medicine, and the Department of Biological Applications and Technologies, collaborate in teaching courses and conducting research.

The teaching staff is supported by prominent academic members and social partners from Greece and abroad, who participate as guest speakers in the annual seminars.

In the IPP, an organized interdisciplinary research approach is followed, resulting in the adoption of participatory and multimodal intervention methods in the social domain.

As learners, you co-build dynamic working groups and intelligent specialization for a sustainable future for education and society.

With central goals being the conservation of natural resources, the protection of the planet and humans, the reduction of the impacts of climate change, prevention, health, and well-being, as well as formal and informal citizen education, we collaborate on high-level research that is immediately applicable in companies and schools.

At the same time, we contribute to regional development, the development of European regions of economic convergence, and the reduction of inequalities through smart specialization of target groups such as women and young children. Milestones of our work include quality in education and the communication of science to the public.

The IPP is a cutting-edge program and particularly attractive to educators, doctors, nurses, engineers, environmental scientists, natural scientists, and other related fields.

We wish you good studies in dynamic interdisciplinary teams that strive to address the complex crises and challenges facing our planet and humanity.

The Director
Katerina Plakitsi
Prof. of Science Education, Member of the Board of Management of the University of Ioannina